How To Monitor A Home Solar System’s Performance

Tips To Help Monitor A Home Solar System’s Performance

Solar energy is a choice that supports a sustainable lifestyle that many families are opting for. With the cost savings in terms of energy bills and the satisfaction of choosing a green energy source, solar energy solutions are considered by many. One factor that can make people put off solar installation is the initial cost of installation. Once solar panels are installed, their performance must be optimized. In this article, IntegriSolar shares some ways to help homeowners monitor their homes’ solar system performance.

IntegriSolar is a Florida-based solar company that offers services throughout the state. This company is passionate about using solar energy as it is a renewable, cost-effective, and clean energy that is safer for the environment. The team at IntegriSolar has a robust value system based on God, Family, and Good Business Stewardship. These values are the basis of IntegriSolar’s commitment to its customers. Their satisfaction is a priority for IntegriSolar, and this article is to help homeowners check how well their solar panels are performing.

5 things to monitor to ensure that solar panels are functioning well 

1. The Weather

Solar panels work best on clear-skied days with bright sunlight. Though they work on cloudy or rainy days, solar panels will function at a reduced capacity and give a lower output. Even on cloudy and rainy days, the solar panels would generate some solar power that would reduce the electricity bill. What matters is the amount of sunlight the solar panels get throughout the year. In a state like Florida, there would be enough sunshine that allows an overall good performance by the solar panels.

2. Check the Inverter

An inverter not working properly can cause the solar system to perform below what is expected. The inverter converts direct current (DC) generated by solar panels to alternating current (AC)  for powering homes. The inverter also indicates the performance of the system. Red or orange indicator lights indicate that the home solar system has an issue. The inverter company or solar company can be contacted to solve the problem.

3. Reading The Solar Meter

The solar meter monitors the power generated by the home solar system, which is communicated to the solar company. The monitor’s screen that displays the total kilowatt-hours generated by the solar system must be checked. Increasing kilowatt-hours are a sign that the solar panels are working well.

4. Monitoring the Electricity Bill

A home’s electricity bill reduces when solar power meets energy requirements. The amount paid for electricity will depend on the electricity consumption pattern and how much solar power is produced by the solar panels installed in the home. Suppose the electricity bill is higher than expected with the amount of energy the solar panels are supposed to produce. In that case, there might be a problem that the solar company may have to look into.

5. Communicate With The Solar Company

The solar company that installs solar panels might also provide home solar system maintenance per the agreed-upon terms. They can check the performance if the homeowner feels from other checks that the solar panels are not delivering the expected results.

IntegriSolar operates in Florida, providing solar installations, spray foam insulation, and roofing services. The company aims to reduce energy consumption and costs and enable a superior quality of life through solar energy solutions. Homeowners who want to make their homes more energy-efficient can contact IntegriSolar for their spray foam insulation and solar panel installation services in Florida by calling their office at (352) 405-0758.


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